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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has the most followers on Bluesky with over 1.2M followers. (This excludes the Bluesky account itself, which all new users follow by default.) The most followed users ranking shows the full list of users with the most followers.
Bluesky is a decentralized social media platform designed to offer more control to users over their social networking experience. Its users range from tech enthusiasts to public figures like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who leads the platform in follower count.
The ranking is based on the number of followers each account has. The data is available through the Bluesky API, and updated continuously.
The Trending ranking shows the accounts with the most followers gained in the last 24 hours. Of course for a large account it is easier to gain more followers in absolute terms. The Fastest Growing ranking shows the accounts with the highest percentage of followers gained in the last 24 hours. For example, an account with 500 followers gaining 50 new followers in a day would have a higher growth rate (10%) than a large account with 5000 followers gaining 100 new followers in a day (2% growth rate).
This site is giving insights into the Bluesky social media platform. The data is updated continuously and is available through the Bluesky API.